Milow - Whatever It Takes TEXT

Whatever It Takes
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Songtext zu Whatever It Takes

(Whatever it takes)

Just when I thought love was impossible
And I was about to get philosophical
There she was with a coffee to go
Perfectly framed by a beautiful basket
I got endorphins up to the maximum
When she said, "Let's call a taxi and go"

It's no secret
Love will mess you up
If you don't mean it
Better believe it

Baby, I want you
Let there be no mistake
We're gonna find out
Whatever it takes
Baby, I want to
You got me wide awake
We're gonna find out
Whatever it takes

In the back of the cab, feeling affectional
Doing my best to be intellectual
Lover of art, teach me, I'm dying to know
Let's ride all night, let's make a thing of it
Stop off in Vegas and put a ring on it
Shut off the meter whenever you're ready to go

It's no secret
Love will mess you up
And if you don't mean it

Better believe it

Baby, I want you
Let there be no mistake
We're gonna find out
Whatever it takes
Baby, I want to
You got me wide awake
We're gonna find out
Whatever it takes

Just when I thought love was impossible
And I was about to get philosophical, oh
Whatever it takes
(Whatever it takes)
There she was, framed by a basket
Got endorphins up to the maximum, oh
Whatever it takes
(Whatever it takes)

Just when I thought
Just when I thought love was impossible
Just when I thought love was impossible

Let there be no mistake
We're gonna find out
Whatever it takes
Baby, I want to
You got me wide awake
We're gonna find out
Whatever it takes

Whatever it takes
Oh, oh
Whatever it takes


Milow - Whatever It Takes Songtext

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