Milow - Crazy For You Text

Songtext zu Crazy For You

[Verse 1]
Tonight the stars I look upon
Will shine long after I am gone
Where will I be this time tomorrow
When I see them shine?

I walk along the avenue where everything I thought I knew
Has left me without a clue
Empty streets and empty stores, windows covered up with boards
Graffiti written on the doors

We must be crazy, but you're so beautiful
Life is hasty, just like me and you

All these strangers, working in the graveyard
Lovers and haters, we must be crazy

Out here in the night
Show me the light before I go blind
Out here in the night
Show me the light before I go blind

[Verse 2]
Tonight the stars you walk below
The same that burned so long ago
In an age of stolen virtues
All your dreams deserted you

It's a long life to live
And I'm learning how to forgive myself for all the things I did
We are ordinarily beautiful, open to be ridiculed
Common as the grass that grows so slow

We must be crazy, but you're so beautiful
Life is hasty, just like me and you
All these strangers, working in the graveyard
Lovers and haters, we must be crazy

Out here in the night
Show me the light before I go blind
Out here in the night
Show me the light before I go blind

Whatever changes come my way
Whatever changes come my way

We must be crazy, but you're so beautiful
Life is hasty, just like me and you
All these strangers, working in the graveyard
Lovers and haters, we must be crazy

Out here in the night
Show me the light before I go blind
Out here in the night
Show me the light before I go blind

Milow - Crazy For You Songtext

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Album: Silver Linings (Deluxe Edition) (2014)

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