Miley Cyrus & Mark Ronson - Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Text

Songtext zu Happy Xmas (War Is Over)

[Verse 1: Miley Cyrus]
So, this is Christmas, and what have you done?
Another year over, and a new one just begun
And so, this is Christmas, I hope you have fun
The new and the dear one, the old and the young

[Refrain: Miley Cyrus]
A very merry Christmas, and a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one without any fear

[Verse 2: Miley Cyrus & Sean Ono Lennon]
And so, this is Christmas (War is over)
Awake and for strong (If you want it)

For rich and for poor ones (War is over)
The world is so wrong (Now)
And so, happy Christmas (War is over)
For black and for white (If you want it)
For left and for right ones (War is over)
Let's stop all the fighting (Now)

[Refrain: Miley Cyrus & Sean Ono Lennon]
A very, merry Christmas, and a happy new year
Oh, let's hope it's a good one without any fear

[Verse 3: Miley Cyrus & Sean Ono Lennon]
And so, this is Christmas (War is over)
And what have we done? (If you want it)
Another year overs (War is over)
And a new one just begun (Now)
And so, happy Christmas (War is over)
We hope you have fun (If you want it)
The new and the dear one (War is over)
The old and the young (Now)

[Refrain: Miley Cyrus & Sean Ono Lennon]
A very, merry Christmas, and a happy new year
Let's hope it's a good one without any fear

[Outro: Miley Cyrus & Sean Ono Lennon, Miley Cyrus]
War is over if you want it
War is over now
Happy Christmas, everybody

Miley Cyrus & Mark Ronson - Happy Xmas (War Is Over) Songtext

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