Miles Kane - Baggio Text

Songtext zu Baggio

Destiny, it's playing hide and seek with me
It's messing with my memories
The ones that always get a hold of me
Baggio, you're showing me the way to go
When I was feeling lost and low
I used to sit and watch you steal the show

The deepest dark despairs
Romance in our hearts will leave us there
It leaves us in a heap upon the floor
Yet still I'm wanting more

Wannabe, you'll never be as strong as me

You're fighting with the enemies
Thе ones that always get a hold of me

Thе deepest dark despairs
Romance in our hearts will leave us there
It leaves us in a heap upon the floor
Yet still I'm wanting more
I'm crying out in dreams
Where I am something more than what you see
I'm not talking impossibilities
To bring us back together

[Instrumental Break]

Rambling on and on
Like broken pieces from your favourite break-up song
Those words don't mean a thing where I come from
But I'll sing them forever

Miles Kane - Baggio Songtext

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