MIKA - Elle me dit Text

Songtext zu Elle me dit

[Verse 1]
She tells me
"Write a happy song
Not a depressing one
A song that everyone loves"
She tells me
"You'd be a billionaire
What will you have to be proud of?
Don't end up like your father"
She tells me
"Don't lock yourself up in your room
Come on, loosen up and dance
Tell me, what's your problem?"
She tells me

"You seem so inhibited
You're either high or you're gay
You'll end up like your brother"
She tells me

She tells me, "It's your life
Do what you want, who cares
One day you'll understand
One day you'll be mad at yourself"
She tells me, "You're so useless
Get out of your bubble, just a bit
All you do is nonsense
And you seem to like it that way"

Why do you waste your life?
Why do you waste your life?
Why do you waste your life?

Dance, dance, dance, she tells me, dance
Why do you waste your life?
Why do you waste your life?
Why do you waste your life?
Dance, dance, dance

[Verse 2]
She tells me
"Do what the others boys do
Go kick a ball around
You'll become popular"
She tells me
"What are you doing on the Internet?
It isn't good for your head
Look at the time you're wasting"
She tells me
"Why do you complain all the time?
You're like an 8 year old
No one will like you that way"
She tells me
"One day I'll no longer be here"
But it's when she tells me this
That she tells me something I like

She tells me, "It's your life
Do what you want, who cares
One day you'll understand
One day you'll be mad at yourself"
She tells me, "You're so useless
Get out of your bubble, just a bit
All you do is nonsense
And you seem to like it that way"

Why do you waste your life?
Why do you waste your life?
Why do you waste your life?
Dance, dance, dance, she tells me, dance
Why do you waste your life?
Why do you waste your life?
Why do you waste your life?
Dance, dance, dance

[Verse 3]
She tells me
"You don't yet have grey hair
But you'll soon be 30
You better wake up"
She tells me
"You're still a kid
You'll never grow up
And me, I'm already old"
She tells me
"Look at your friends
What will they make of their life?
There's so much to lose"
She tells me
"Yes, one day you'll kill me"
But it's when she tells me this
That she tells me something I like

She tells me, "dance"
She tells me "dance, dance, dance"
She tells me, "dance"
She tells me "dance, dance, dance"

She tells me, "dance"
She tells me "dance, dance, dance"
She tells me "dance, dance, dance"
Dance, dance, dance she tells me, "dance"

She tells me, "It's your life (She tells me "dance, dance, dance")
Do what you want, who cares (She tells me "dance")
One day you'll understand (She tells me "dance, dance, dance")
One day you'll be mad at yourself" (She tells me "dance")
She tells me, "You're so useless (She tells me "dance, dance, dance")
Get out of your bubble, just a bit (She tells me "dance, dance, dance, dance")
All you do is nonsense (Dance, dance, dance)
And you seem to like it that way" (She tells me "dance")

Why do you waste your life? (She tells me "dance, dance, dance")
Why do you waste your life? (She tells me "dance")
Why do you waste your life? (She tells me "dance, dance, dance")
"Dance, dance, dance" she tells me, "dance"
Why do you waste your life? (She tells me "dance, dance, dance")
Why do you waste your life? (She tells me "dance, dance, dance, dance")
Why do you waste your life?
Dance, dance, dance
She tells me, "dance"

MIKA - Elle me dit Songtext

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