Mick Mars - Loyal to the Lie Text

Songtext zu Loyal to the Lie

I've got a little secret, building up your style
Caught up in the regret, and I'm getting out of line
It's not over, I'm getting colder inside
There's nowhere to hide

Put a little light up, cut me like a diamond
Tell me are you mad and dying
All your little stories, giving you the glory
Always fucking with my life

You're loyal to the lie
Loyal to the lie
Take it every time though
I'm ready to expel

We'll never go for long
We're drowning in the storm
It's not over, I'm getting colder inside
There's nowhere to hide

Put a little light up, cut me like a diamond
Tell me are you mad and dying
All your little stories, giving you the glory
Always fucking with my life
Put a little light up, cut me like a diamond
Tell me are you mad and dying
All my little stories, giving you the glory
Always fucking with your life

You're loyal to the lie
Underneath your bones
Truth is growing cold
I won't let it go
Like wood made in your soul

Put a little light up, cut me like a diamond
Tell me are you mad and dying
All your little stories, giving you the glory
Always fucking with my life
Put a little light up, cut me like a diamond
Tell me are you mad and dying
All my little stories, giving you the glory
Always fucking with your life
You're loyal to the lie
Loyal to the lie

Mick Mars - Loyal to the Lie Songtext

zu Loyal to the Lie von Mick Mars - Loyal to the Lie Lyrics Mick Mars - Loyal to the Lie Text Loyal to the Lie Mick Mars Loyal to the Lie Liedtext
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