Michael Patrick Kelly - Two Mothers Text

Songtext zu Two Mothers

Two mothers:
Ones in tears, the other ones in love
One just had her girl, the other lost her son

What is life without love?
Why does love have to hurt so much?

One mother feeds her child, the other is burying
One mother wants to live, the other can't go on

What is life without love?
Why does love have to hurt so much?

And I'm happy and I'm sad
About what we have and what we had

Two mothers part of me
You know I love them both
One mother needs my hand, the other gives me hope

What is life without love?
Why does love have to hurt so much?
What is life without love?
Why does love have to hurt so much?

And I'm happy and I'm sad…

Michael Patrick Kelly - Two Mothers Songtext

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