Michael Patrick Kelly - The World Text

Songtext zu The World

Ooh, ooh

I still see green
I still see the sun breaking through the clouds
And I still breathe
Even though it seems we're about to drowned
And maybe we've lost our ways over time
But if we stick together, we might get this right
I still dream 'cause I know there is hope for us

Oh, what the world needs now is love
Let's make it rain down from above
'Cause in the end, it's all we got

Oh, what the world needs now is love

Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh

I still see blue
I still see the river into the sea
When I see You
That's how I know that I still believe
And I get on my knees and I pray every day
If love is the answer then we'll be okay
I still dream because I know there is hope for us

Oh, what the world needs now is love
Let's make it rain down from above
'Cause in the end, it's all we got
Oh, what the world needs now is love

Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh

Oh, what the world needs now is love
Let's make it rain down from above
'Cause in the end, it's all we got
Oh, what the world needs now is love

Michael Patrick Kelly - The World Songtext

zu The World von Michael Patrick Kelly - The World Lyrics Michael Patrick Kelly - The World Lied Michael Patrick Kelly - The World Text The World Michael Patrick Kelly The World Liedtext
Michael Patrick Kelly The World Letra de The World com Michael Patrick Kelly
Album: B.O.A.T.S (2021)

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