Michael Patrick Kelly - Stallion Battalion Text

Songtext zu Stallion Battalion

We're on the go like a landslide, baby
This we are out of conviction
I said ah, out of my way
I said ah back for more gonna keep on keep on rolling on
Ah out of our way
No mercy for the fucked up phonies
No mercy for the pop star schnooks
Ah out of my way
We're on the track and we'll run your over
Pound you in the mud where you belong
I said ah out of my way
I said ah we will defy, make you cry
Leave your hair standing high

We're the stallion battalion
To the flesh, blood and bone we're seven in a million
On a high speed power rage, looking for action
We're the stallion battalion
So will you join our big revolution
We're gonna bring that baby home
I said ah out of my way
We're outnumbered but in good condition
We're gonna keep on keeping on
I said ah out of my way
I said ah gonna keep on rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling on
We're the stallion battalion
To the flesh, blood and bone we're seven in a million
On a high speed power rage, looking for action
We're the stallion battalion
We're the stallion battalion
To the flesh, blood and bone we're seven in a million
On a high speed power rage, looking for action
We're the stallion battalion

Michael Patrick Kelly - Stallion Battalion Songtext

zu Stallion Battalion von Michael Patrick Kelly - Stallion Battalion Lyrics Michael Patrick Kelly - Stallion Battalion Lied Michael Patrick Kelly - Stallion Battalion Text Stallion Battalion Michael Patrick Kelly Stallion Battalion Liedtext
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