Michael Patrick Kelly - Shake Away Text

Songtext zu Shake Away

Most of my days I've spend life on the road
Took backroad highways to meet the simple folk
Nights ran together in a haze of drink and smoke
So I left with the rising sun all alone


Shake away, shake away the old chains in my life
Got a new, got a new love and open eyes
Break away, break away the old ways and live high
Got a new course for the light

Made it out west through the deserts and the snow

How you found me I reckon someday I'll know
You picked me up from the depth I couldn't cope
And You showed me a life of love, trust and hope


Shake away, shake away the old chains in my life
Got a new, got a new love and open eyes
Break away, break away the old ways and live high
Got a new course for the light
Got a new course for the light
Got a new course for the light

Michael Patrick Kelly - Shake Away Songtext

zu Shake Away von Michael Patrick Kelly - Shake Away Lyrics Michael Patrick Kelly - Shake Away Text Shake Away Michael Patrick Kelly Shake Away Liedtext
Michael Patrick Kelly Shake Away Letra de Shake Away com Michael Patrick Kelly
Album: Human (2015)

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