Michael Patrick Kelly - Good Morning Sunshine Text

Songtext zu Good Morning Sunshine

[Verse 1]
I could use a little conversation
Cause my heart’s been caught in isolation
A little light in the dark could be the spark
Of a new life (sunshine)
I see you bouncing through the lousy weather
You shake it off, you keep it all together
But every time when you’re gone I can’t wait for the dawn
You bring the good life, and I say:

What up, what up, what up, what up
We gotta live, we gotta love
What up, what up, what up, what up

It’s time you show up

Good morning, sunshine (sunshine), good to see you again
Cause the world ain’t pretty when you’re not in the city
And I don’t have a friend
Good morning, sunshine (sunshine), when I hold your hand
It’s for worst or for better we will both stick together
Won’t change till the end

Now let me see your light (light), light (light), shine on me
Let me see your light (light), light (light), shine on me (sunshine)

[Verse 2]
I could really use a long vacation
You heart waves are my medication
You know you tickle my skin when I take you in
I’m feeling alright (sunshine)
You got me bouncing through the lousy weather

My clouded heart knows it won't last forever
And every time when you’re gone I just wait for the dawn
You bring the good life, and I say:

What up, what up, what up, what up
We gotta live, we gotta love
What up, what up, what up, what up
It’s time you show up

Good morning, sunshine (sunshine), good to see you again
Cause the world ain’t pretty when you’re not in the city
And I don’t have a friend
Good morning, sunshine (sunshine), when I hold your hand
It’s for worst or for better we will both stick together
Won’t change till the end

Let me see your light (light), light (light), shine on me
Let me see your light (light), light (light), shine on me
Let me see your light (light), light (light), shine on meLet me see your light (light), light (light), shine on me

Good morning, sunshine (sunshine), good to see you again
Cause the world ain’t pretty when you’re not in the city
And I don’t have a friend
Good morning, sunshine (sunshine), when I hold your hand
Yeah the world’s so pretty when you light up the city
And we all have a friend

Michael Patrick Kelly - Good Morning Sunshine Songtext

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