Michael Patrick Kelly - Die in Your Arms Text

Songtext zu Die in Your Arms

I've been sittin' here
In this dried out pool again
Where we used to swim
Before you moved away
Always heard our songs
That they used to play for us
At our favourite club
It's a bookstore today

And now that you made it
Back here, let's make up lost times
All of these times

I'd die in your arms tonight
'Cause your love is larger than life
Baby, if I'd die in your arms tonight
I'd be alright
I'd be just fine

Strollin' through the park
Where we used to meet back then
Right beneath the stars
We'll be holdin' hands again
Colors turned to grey
Of the bench we would lay
It still feels the same
After all these lonely days

'Cause now that you made it
Back here, let's make up lost times
All of these times

I'd die in your arms tonight

'Cause your love is larger than life
Baby, if I'd die in your arms tonight
I'd be alright
I'd be just fine

'Cause livin' without you ain't livin' at all
And together we'll swim up all the waterfalls
And I know that even we might have changed
But the touch of you feels the same

Oh, I'd die in your arms tonight
'Cause your love is larger than life
Baby, if I'd die in your arms tonight
I'd be alright
I'd be just fine

I'd be alright
I'd be just fine

Michael Patrick Kelly - Die in Your Arms Songtext

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