Michael Alvarado - Homewrecker Text

Songtext zu Homewrecker

Don't you dare leave your sweater
It's a way of trappin' more than clothes in your car[?]
What makes you think her ideas are better
I hope she knows that hanging out with you won't make her a star

Solo trips turn into double dates
Functions turn into stayin' out late
Dinner turns into walks on the beach
So she can take the hot toes and turn them into cold feet

Ooh, when you see her comin'

You better run then
'Cause the next thing that you know she'll be your best friend
With flowers and compliments
And the door will keep on openin'
Now she's ruined me forever
Don't forget she's a homewrecker

I hope that she will come in handy
When you're payin' bills and lookin' for a massage
How many bottles of whiskey
Will it take before the fun fades and your liver is achin' like hell

Solo trips turn into double dates
Functions turn into stayin' out late
Dinner turns into walks on the beach
So she can take your hot toes and turn them into cold feet

Ooh, when you see her comin'
You better run then
'Cause the next thing that you know she'll be your best friend
With flowers and compliments
And the door will keep on openin'
Now she's ruined me forever
Don't forget she's a homewrecker

La la la la
La la la la
La la la la

Yeah, uh, okay
When she's holdin' your purse on the carpet
'Cause you know she's never gonna quit
I hope that you finally tell her
That her last batch of cookies tasted like shit

Yeah, woo
Ooh, when you see her comin'
You better run then
'Cause the next thing that you know she'll be your best friend
Ooh, the door will keep on openin'
Now she's ruined me forever
Don't forget she's a homewrecker

La la la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la
La la la la

Michael Alvarado - Homewrecker Songtext

zu Homewrecker von Michael Alvarado - Homewrecker Lyrics Michael Alvarado - Homewrecker Text Homewrecker Michael Alvarado Homewrecker Liedtext
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