Mellina Tey - 2Am Text

Songtext zu 2Am

Automatic, i'm closed off
Not my fault, it's all i know
I guess it's my fault for staying
Made you think that i'm playing
And i'm not good at explaining myself

2am in the morning
2 shots in not slowing
Feeling the guilt controlling

2am in the morning
2 shots in not slowing

Feeling the guilt controlling

Shit's been far from golden
Too faded to notice
And it just keeps on going
I'm to blame I know it
I'm not the one for you
No i'm not the one for you

2am in the morning
2 shots in not slowing
Feeling the guilt controlling
2am in the morning
2 shots in not slowing
Feeling the guilt controlling

[Verse 2]

I guess it's how i deal, how i feel
I don't break promises so let's make a deal
Cus i wanna give you all of me
But i don't think i'm ready

Automatic, i'm closed off
Not my fault, it's all i know
I guess it's my fault for staying
Made you think that i'm playing
And i'm not good at explaining myself

2am in the morning
2 shots in not slowing
Feeling the guilt controlling
2am in the morning
2 shots in not slowing
Feeling the guilt controlling

I guess- my-my fault for staying
-think that I'm playing
Oh-oh, oh-oh

Mellina Tey - 2Am Songtext

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