Mayer Hawthorne - Someone Like You Text

Songtext zu Someone Like You

Da da da du dup
Thank you
If you have some time on your hands
I'd be happy to make some plans, you know

Someone like you

[Verse 1]
Baby, you could be my Jane B
And I could be your Serge Gainsbourg
I don't know what you heard
But lately, I've been thinking you should date me
But I can't seem to find the words

And I've been out here so long
That I don't know what's right or wrong
But I know that this feels right to me, oh we
And I can't make no guarantee
But, If you spend some time with me
Maybe well maybe we'll find this destiny

Ohh, I just want someone to share this view
All the amazing different places I've been to
All the good times and the bad times I've been through
Baby it could be you

[Verse 2]
Honey, I got a little money
My pocket's got a hole burned through
And I don't know what to do

Fashionably tardy
The life of every party
I'd rather be at home with you
It's true

And I've been out here so long
That I don't know what's right or wrong
But, I know that this feels right to me, oh we
And I can't make no guarantee
But, If you spend some time with me
Maybe we'll find this destiny

Ohh, I just want someone to share this view
All the amazing different places I've been to
All the good times and the bad times we'll go through
Baby it could be you
It should be you

Honey, should be you

Hey, what do you say
This could be every day
Why don't you come my way

Come my way

Mayer Hawthorne - Someone Like You (Instrumental) Songtext

zu Someone Like You (Instrumental) von Mayer Hawthorne - Someone Like You Lyrics Mayer Hawthorne - Someone Like You (Instrumental) Text Someone Like You (Instrumental) Mayer Hawthorne Someone Like You (Instrumental) Liedtext
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Album: Party of One - EP (2016)

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