Mayer Hawthorne - M.O. Text

Songtext zu M.O.

Heartache mender take my hand
We’ll bury the past forever
Under Hollywoodland
A bottle of red can raise the dead
If you give me your number
I’ll never make you wonder

I’m starting to feel a certain a way about you
It isn’t my M.O.
Oh no no no
Now that I’ve got my loving arms around you
I’m not gonna let go
Oh no no no

A light in the dark the spark of something new
the cinema plays but I can’t take my eyes off you
A stroke of luck we both end up alone
Or is it the stars aligning
like these tombs of stone
And Johnny Ramone can play a song for us
With Rudy Valentino
Up and away we go

I’m starting to feel a certain a way about you
It isn’t my M.O.
Oh no no no
Now that I’ve got my loving arms around you
I’m not gonna let go
Oh no no no

Doo doo doo doo doo
Let go

Doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo doo doo
I’m ready when you say so
Ponyboy stay gold

Mayer Hawthorne - M.O. Songtext

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