Max Mutzke - California Spider Text

Songtext zu California Spider

oh walking on a tight
road trying to catch my
fall racing down the

highway I can't go back no

more we run out of
time got to let you
fly things were going
sideways I think we had it

all walking on a TI TR
walking on fire walking on fire Cali on

spider the sakes couldn't be higher I
couldn't be
higher couldn't be
high o

o walking on the tire
Ro almost reach the
top gamblers on a high
road right until we
drop maybe another
life we will get it
right still see you when my day
dreams God knows we
try hell yeah we try walking on the
ti walking on fire walking on fire
spider snakes couldn't be higher I
couldn't be higher walking on a t oh oh
oh walking on fire walking on fire

spider yeah sakes couldn't be higher I
couldn't be higher sakes couldn't be
higher couldn't be higher couldn't be
uh walking on the ti
troll the
California spider

Max Mutzke - California Spider Songtext

zu California Spider von Max Mutzke - California Spider Lyrics Max Mutzke - California Spider Text California Spider Max Mutzke California Spider Liedtext
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