Marshmello & Kane Brown - Miles on It Text

Songtext zu Miles on It

[Verse 1: Kane Brown]
New truck, big lift
Old roads, we've been
Tearin' up since way back when
But these wheels are innocent
New hitch, new seats, no history
And you just can't fake that
So, let's change that

[Chorus: Kane Brown]
Girl, let's go put some miles on it
Back of the Chevy with the engine runnin'
Just you and me in a truck bed wide like a California King
We could break it in if you know what I mean

Put some miles on it
Back of the Chevy with the engine runnin'
Just you and me in a truck bed wide like a California King
Wе could break it in if you know what I mean
Put some milеs on it
We could break it in if you know what I mean

[Verse 2: Kane Brown]
All night, no brakes
All tail, no gate
Ain't gotta try too hard
My baby's push to start
All torque, full speed
Off-road, on me
Zero to a hundred fast
My foot ain't touch the gas
I said, "Hey, baby, slow it down, let's make it last"
You said, "Where's the fun in that?"

[Chorus: Kane Brown]
Yeah, let's go, put some miles on it
Back of the Chevy with the engine runnin'
Just you and me in a truck bed wide like a California King
We could break it in if you know what I mean
Put some miles on it
We could break it in if you know what I mean
Put some miles on it
We could break it in if you know what I mean

[Bridge: Kane Brown]
Mile after mile after mile after mile
Turn up the night like that radio dial
Shoulder to shoulder where nobody knows
Know where we're goin', we ain't goin' home

[Chorus: Kane Brown]
We're puttin' miles on it
Back of the Chevy with the engine runnin'
Just you and me in a truck bed wide like a California King
We could break it in if you know what I mean
Put some miles on it
Back of the Chevy with the engine runnin'
Just you and me in a truck bed wide like a California King
We could break it in if you know what I mean
Put some miles on it
We could break it in if you know what I mean
Put some miles on it
We could break it in if you know what I mean
Put some miles on it

Marshmello und Kane Brown - Miles on It Songtext

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