Mars Saibert - Borderline Text

Songtext zu Borderline

Hard to say goodbye to you
Time has come to face the truth
Sky is cryin in the deepest blue
Here is a song I wrote for you

Borderline - but we are still together till forever
Borderline - but I miss you
Borderline - is the wall between us can you hear us?
Borderline - from up above

Thank you for the times we shared
Remember all the fun we had
Now you are gone I was not prepared
Cant believe it its so sad

Someday we will meet in heaven
Although this will take a while
Then we will sing a song together
Cause I finally crossed the line

Borderline - but we are still together till forever
Borderline - but I miss you
Borderline - is the wall between us can you hear us?
Borderline - from up above

Mars Saibert - Borderline (2024) Songtext

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