Marlon Roudette - No Water Text

Songtext zu No Water

Maybe in another life
In a different paradigm
There could be a time and place
Where there is a you and I
In a better universe
Where every star aligns
Maybe we could find a space
Maybe you'd be satisfied

Putting up paper towers
Build 'em high, burn 'em down
Start again
Yeah I know I should
Just let it go but I'm still


Why there's no water here but I'm drowning
There's air but I can't breathe
My heart is screaming run away
But I can't move my feet
I'm on the ground but I'm still falling
There's light but I can't see
'Cause after all this time you still got
Power over me

And the days I see, those devil skies
Are the days I start to realize
I'm only one step back from you

Maybe in another life
In a different paradigm
Maybe we could find a space
But I got a face

That there ain't no water here but I'm drowning
There's air but I can't breathe
My heart is screaming run away
But I can't move my feet
I'm on the ground but I'm still falling
There's light but I can't see
'Cause after all this time you still got
Power over me

Power over me
Power over me

Marlon Roudette - No Water Songtext

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