Mark Ronson & Anderson .Paak - Then There Were Two Text

Songtext zu Then There Were Two

Then there were two
Right now we got to start somewhere
How far to go, I don't care
Just when I thought you leaving blue
You come around out of nowhere

[Verse 1]
Just when I thought you leave me there
You came back cool (You came back cool)
My company is leaving the minute that you tell me we gotta move


'Cause without you, I'm a sloucher, but with you, I'm ambitious
Such a mess tho, when I'm not near you
But together we can't stop look in the mirrors

Right now we got to start somewhere (Start somewhere)
How far to go, I don't care (Baby, I don't care)
Just when I thought you leaving blue (So blue)
You come around out of nowhere
Send a million people just to smother the mood
I had to plead to get them all out the room
But then there were two (Oooh yeah, yeah)

[Verse 2]
Just when I though I'd seen it all, I stand confused
My understanding is weak and I been
Seriously thinking it might be true

'Cause without you, I'm a sloucher, but with you, I'm ambitious

Such a mess tho, when I'm not near you
But together we can't stop look in the mirrors

Right now we got to start somewhere (Start somewhere)
How far to go, I don't care (Baby, I don't care)
Just when I thought you leaving blue (So blue)
You come around out of nowhere
Hundred million people just to smother the mood
I had to plead to get them all out the room
But then there were two (Oooh yeah, yeah)

Big boss, tailor-made garments
The only thing I needed was reason to be cautious
If I call it like I see it, then I would say I'm starting to become
A decent human being, without losing my monster
I started at the beginning, all that matters is the common ground That we live in and getting this bread like park pigeon
How far to go? I never paid attention
When I'm with you, I can complete any big or small mission

Right now we got to start somewhere
How far to go, I don't care
Just when I thought you leaving blue
You come around out of nowhere
Hundred million people just to smother the mood
I had to plead to get them all out the room
But then there were two

Mark Ronson & Anderson .Paak - Then There Were Two Songtext

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