Marilyn Manson - OAUG Text

Songtext zu OAUG

[Verse 1]
You gave us what we wished for
A few tangled strings attached
Pull back the curtain
I won't suffer for your amusement
There's no more dreams for me to sell
I choose my nightmares wisely
Don't wanna ruin the story
But it doesn't turn out well

You will always be entertained


Everybody showed up for the execution
But nobody would show their face
To shoot you in the back of the head and call it sacrifice
They don't deserve to even say your name

[Verse 2]
Put me inside the animal
Stitch it up and shove us off a cliff
When they tear the wings from all the swine
Just monkeys will be left to fly
Pilot light has flickered out
And all the ashes will be screaming
No one can hear my last words
And no encore once we say goodbye

No Funeral Without Applause
Marilyn Manson
Nod If You Understand
Marilyn Manson
Sacrifice Of The Mass

Marilyn Manson
You will always be entertained
You will always be entertained

Everybody showed up for the execution
But nobody would show their face
To shoot you in the back of the head and call it sacrifice
They don't deserve to even say your name


Everybody showed up for the execution
But nobody would show their face
To shoot you in the back of the head and call it sacrifice
They don't deserve to even say your name

It's not a sacrifice
It's not a sacrifice
It's not a sacrifice

Marilyn Manson - OAUG Songtext

zu OAUG von Marilyn Manson - OAUG Lyrics Marilyn Manson - OAUG Text Marilyn Manson - OAUG Tekst piosenki OAUG Marilyn Manson OAUG Liedtext
Marilyn Manson OAUG Letra de OAUG com Marilyn Manson Marilyn Manson - OAUG Songtekst
Album: One Assassination Under God – Chapter 1 (2024)

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