Marc Broussard - Time is a Thief Text

Songtext zu Time is a Thief

I don't wanna believe that I'm dying
Yet I can't help but notice
That I'm barely hanging on
I wanna believe that I'm trying
But every time I open my eyes
The world's on fire

See the same thing that drives your passion
Is the same thing that makes us cold
And like every modern fashion
What once was new will soon be old

Cause time is a thief
Yeah in this life there's no guarantees

Time's gonna teach you
That you can't cheat time
Ain't no lie
Time is a thief
Just ticking along no matter where you goin'
So what're you willing to do
With your time

I know it's hard to believe it gets better
But take it from me when you just change your gaze
You can change your ways
If they don't wanna believe just forget em
Cause you can lead a horse to water
But they'll never drink 'til they wanna

The same thing that drives your passion
Is the same thing that makes us cold
And like every modern fashion
What you bought last week is already old

Time is a thief
Yeah in this life there's no guarantees
Time's gonna teach you
That you can't cheat time
Ain't no lie
Time is a thief
Just ticking along no matter where you goin'
So what're you willing to do
With your time
With your time

The same thing that drives your passion
Is the same thing that makes us cold
And like every modern fashion
What you bought last week is already old

Time is a thief
In this life there's no guarantees
Time's gonna teach you
That you can't cheat time
Ain't no lie
Time is a thief
Just ticking along no matter where you goin'
So what're you willing to do
With your time

Time is a thief
In this life there's no guarantees
Time's gonna teach you
That you can't cheat time
Ain't no lie
Time is a thief
Just ticking along no matter where you goin'
So what're you willing to do
With your time

Marc Broussard - Time is a Thief Songtext

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