Manu Chao - Bongo Bong Text

Songtext zu Bongo Bong

[Verse 1: Manu Chao]
Mama was queen of the mambo
Papa was king of the Congo
Deep down in the jungle
I start bangin' my first bongo
Every monkey'd like to be
In my place instead of me
'Cause I'm the king of bongo, baby
I'm the king of bongo bong

[Verse 2: Manu Chao]
I went to the big town
Where there is a lot of sound
From the jungle to the city

Looking for a bigger crown
So I play my boogie
For the people of big city
But they don't go crazy
When I'm bangin' on my boogie

[Chorus: Manu Chao, Anouk]
I'm the
(King of the bongo, king of the bongo bong)
Hear me when I come, baby
(King of the bongo
King of the bongo bong)

[Verse 3: Manu Chao]
Nobody like to be in my place instead of me
'Cause nobody go crazy when I'm bangin' on my boogie
I'm a king without a crown hanging loose in a big town
But I'm the king of bongo baby, I'm the king of bongo bong

[Chorus: Manu Chao, Anouk]
King of the bongo
King of the bongo bong
Hear me when I come, baby
King of the bongo
King of the bongo bong
Hear me when I come

[Verse 4: Manu Chao]
They say that I'm a clown
Making too much dirty sound
They say there is no place for little monkey in this town
Nobody'd like to be in my place instead of me
'Cause nobody go crazy when I'm bangin' on my boogie

[Chorus: Manu Chao, Anouk]
I'm the
(King of the bongo, king of the bongo bong)
Hear me when I come, baby
(King of the bongo
King of the bongo bong)
Hear me when I come

[Verse 5: Manu Chao]
Bangin' on my bongo
All that swing belongs to me
I'm so happy there's nobody
In my place instead of me
I'm a king without a crown
Hangin' loose in a big town
I'm the king of bongo, baby
I'm the king of bongo bong

[Chorus: Manu Chao, Anouk]
(King of the bongo
(King of the bongo bong)
Hear me when I come, baby
(king of the bongo, king of the bongo bong))
Hear me when I come

[Verse 1: Manu Chao]
Mama was queen of the mambo
Papa was king of the Congo
Deep down in the jungle
I start bangin' my first bongo
Every monkey'd like to be
In my place instead of me
Cause I'm the king of bongo, baby
I'm the king of bongo bong

[Outro: Manu Chao]
Hear me when I come
Hear me when I come
Hear me when I come

Manu Chao - Bongo Bong Songtext

zu Bongo Bong von Manu Chao - Bongo Bong Lyrics Manu Chao - Bongo Bong Text Bongo Bong Manu Chao Bongo Bong Liedtext
Manu Chao Bongo Bong Letra de Bongo Bong com Manu Chao Manu Chao - Bongo Bong Songtekst Manu Chao - Bongo Bong Tekst
Album: Clandestino (1998)

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