MAAPS & Night Panda - Found a Home Text

Songtext zu Found a Home

Lost my mind in the summertime
The missing piece
I will not find
Looked through the trees at the fading light
Learned to feel
learned to cry

I don’t know who you are
But I feel you burning through the dark

Oh I’ve been down, down so long that it’s
Getting old but I
Had a dream that I
Found a Home

I’ve been down, down so long that it’s
Getting old but I
Had a dream that I
Found A Home

(Had a dream that I found a home)
(Had a dream that I found a home)

I’ve seen your face in a memory
Was it real,
Or was it just a dream?
In a place that I’ve never been
This life or another
Or somewhere in between

I don’t know who you are
But I feel you burning through the dark

Oh I’ve been down, down so long that it’s
Getting old but I

Had a dream that I
Found a home
I’ve been down, down so long that it’s
Getting old but I
Had a dream that I
Found A Home

(Had a dream that I found a home)
(Had a dream that I found a home)

MAAPS und Night Panda - Found a Home Songtext

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