Lvly - Toxic Love Text

Songtext zu Toxic Love

[Verse 1]
You take my love for granted
Say a bunch of stuff you never mean, yeah
I think I need a minute
To figure out my limits
You crossed them more than once, yeah
You take my love for granted

We keep on talkin' from body to body, yeah
Getting it closer to just being nothin' else, oh-oh

I'm a sucker for your love

Even though it's kinda toxic babe
You know I feel it when we touch
Like two lovers from a different place
In this toxic babe

[Verse 2]
Not sure what I expected
To think you wouldn't be so reckless
I keep on pretendin'
I know we better end it
We said it more than once, yeah
You take my love for granted

We keep on talkin' from body to body, yeah
Getting it closer to just being nothin' else, oh-oh

I'm a sucker for your love

Even though it's kinda toxic babe
You know I feel it when we touch
Like two lovers from a different place
In this toxic babe

Nothin' more to say let's just waste away
One more time is all we need
A bitter truth to face not that innocent
We know what we did

I'm a sucker for your love
Even though it's kinda toxic babe
You know I feel it when we touch
Like two lovers from a different place
In this toxic babe

Oh, this toxic!
Yeah, yeah
This toxic babe

LVLY - Toxic Love Songtext

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Album: Toxic Love (2020)

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