Lonnie Donegan - Betty, Betty, Betty Text

Songtext zu Betty, Betty, Betty

Yay, yay, yay! Betty told Dupree,
She wanted a diamond ring.
Betty told Dupree,
She wanted a diamond ring.
But that old Dupree told Betty,
I'll give you most anything.

He said lay down little Betty,
See what tomorrow brings.
Yay, in the mornin' ,
Said lay down little Betty,
See what tomorrow brings.
While it may bring you sunshine,
It may bring you that diamond ring

And Dupree took his big ole pistol,
Went on down to the jeweller's store.
Yay, yay, yay, yay.
Dupree took his pistol,
Went on down to the jeweller's store,
And he killed a big policeman,
Wounded four five more

The sheriff 'rested poor Dupree
And he laid him in that ole Atlanta Jail,
Yay, yay, yay, yay!
Sheriff rested Dupree and he
Laid him in that old Atlanta Jail
He said lay down little Dupree
Ain't nobody gonna go your bail

Say Lord, say Lord,
Say Lord, say Lord,
Say Lord, say Lord,

Say Lord, say Lord,
Hey Dupree, Dupree, Dupree, Dupree,
Dupree, Dupree, Dupree say Lord!
Well you don't mind sayin' it,
You'll be gone so doggone long!

Give my daddy my coat,
Give poor baby Betty my shoes,
Yay, yay, yay, yay!
Give my dad my coat,
And give poor baby Betty my shoes,
And if anybody asks ya say,
I died with the heartbreakin' blues.

Betty, Betty, Betty, Betty, Betty,
Don't you see what you done now?
Hey Betty, hey Betty,
Don't you see what you just done?
Why you caused Dupree
To lose his happy home.

Lonnie Donegan - Betty, Betty, Betty Songtext

zu Betty, Betty, Betty von Lonnie Donegan - Betty, Betty, Betty Lyrics Lonnie Donegan & His Skiffle Group - Betty, Betty, Betty Text Betty, Betty, Betty Lonnie Donegan Betty, Betty, Betty Liedtext
Lonnie Donegan Betty, Betty, Betty Letra de Betty, Betty, Betty com Lonnie Donegan Lonnie Donegan - Betty, Betty, Betty Songtekst Lonnie Donegan - Betty, Betty, Betty Tekst
Album: The Incredible Lonnie Donegan (1956)

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