Lola Jones - Silent Voices Text

Songtext zu Silent Voices

I think of you when I'm alone
And dark of night begins to fall
I hear the things we used to say
But tender things I still recall
And when your words come back to me
That's when I need you most of all
My love, oh my love

They're in the desperation
Of all my secret longings
I try forgetting you would know, how can I
Our words of love and laughter
Will live forever after
Though they were spoken long ago

And so each night, I think of you
And hear the words we used to say
My love, oh my love

I hear the silent voices, those endless silent voices
And then the sound begins to build within me
And as the night gets longer, they keep on going stronger
Until they're driving me insane
It's tearing me apart
That's how I know you will remain
The love that's always in my heart

I still can feel your tender lips
The lips that promised to be true
And just as long as I can breathe
In dreams I'll keep believing you
My love, oh my love

I hear the silent voices, those endless silent voices
And then the sound begins to build within me
And as the night gets longer, they keep on going stronger
Until they're driving me insane
It's tearing me apart
That's how I know you will remain, yeah
The love that's always in my heart

Lola Jones - Silent Voices Songtext

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Album: This is The Story: The ‘70s Albums, Vol. 1: 1970-1973 (The Jean Terrell Years) (2006)

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