Songtext zu Rainbow of Notes
[Verse 1]When the heart is lost into the dark
Living life with eyes behind the mask
Don't you wish that you could feel again?
Taste the air and take it in again
[Verse 2]
Day to day you move with the parade
Convince the world that you are not afraid
Don't you wish that you could freeze the frame?
Share the weight so you could dream again
Time stands still, I can't give you a reason
Words break free, running out of a prison
Hold me up so I can see
The rain will make it better
When a heart is lost, let it call out
Find the rainbow
Let the rain fall
Find the rainbow
Let the rain fall
I'm your rainbow
I'm your rainbow
Lola Jones - Rainbow of Notes Songtext
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Album: New Skin (2016)
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Rainbow of Notes Songtext von Lola Jones
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