Songtext zu The Silence
[Verse 1]Behold the incredible shrinking woman, wow
She look like me, but she shrank her spirit down
To make room for the thoughts you filled with doubt
And when you were finally gone
I couldn't drown them out
Your constant voice echoed in my head
And told me why I should be someone else instead
And every night I cried
Listening to your lies inside my mind
Went blind, but now I see
And sex is good, but have you ever tried?
Ahhh, the silence
Ahhh, some peace and quiet
Ahhh, the silence
Ahhh, some peace and quiet
[Verse 2]
Behold the marvellous absence of your face (Hmm-mmm)
That once held me as a hostage for my mistakes
Forgot the feel of a quiet love's embrace
There's no beauty like the beauty of empty space
Your constant voice echoed in my head
And told me why I should be someone else instead
And every night I cried
Listening to your lies inside my mind
Went blind, but now I see
And sex is good, but have you ever tried?
Ahhh, the silence
Ahhh, some peace and quiet
Ahhh, the silence
Ahhh, some peace and quiet
Shh, quiet, shh, quiet
Shh, quiet, shh, quiet
Shh, quiet, quiet
Shh, now I can be uh, louder
Uh, louder, uh, louder
Uh, louder, uh, louder
Uh, louder, uh, louder
Uh, louder, uh, louder
Ahhh, some peace and quiet
Ahhh, the silence
Ahhh, some peace and quiet
Ahhh, the silence
Ahhh, some fucking silence
Lola Blanc - The Silence Songtext
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