Lily Kershaw - That Was A Fire Text

Songtext zu That Was A Fire

Here's my heart on a platter
Can you do something to make it better
I went and carved it out for you
Cause you said your love would come shining through
And I realized you're a liar
That wasn't love that was a fire

Now my friends are rearranging
Going through seasons they're all changing
Somehow I was the last to know
You'll loose out if you choose real slow
And I realized I'm a hider
That wasn't fuelled by my desire

Now I miss the possibility
Of the future inside of me
And now that I have met my fate
Can't tell if I'm early or if I'm too late
And I realized I've gone haywire
Now I watch the burning fire

Lily Kershaw - That Was A Fire Songtext

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