Libera, Robert Prizeman, Fiona Pears, Steven Geraghty, Ian Tilley, Ben Crawley, Tom Cully, Sam Coates, Anna Stokes, Charlotte Ashley, Elizabeth May & Mason Neely - Carol of the Bells TEXT

Carol of the Bells
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Songtext zu Carol of the Bells

Hark how the bells
sweet silver bells
all seem to say
throw cares away

Christmas is here
bringing good cheer
to young and old
meek and the bold

Ding dong, ding dong, that is the song
with joyful ring all caroling,
one seems to hear words of good cheer
from everywhere filling the air

Oh how they pound
raising the sound
o'er hill and dale
telling their tale

Gaily the ring
while people sing
songs of the cheer
Christmas is here

Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas
Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas

On on they send
on without end
their joyful tone to every home
ha, ha, ha
Ding dong, ding dong
Ding dong, ding dong,

Hark how the bells
sweet silver bells
all seem to say
throw cares away
We will throw cares away

Christmas is here
bringing good cheer
to young and old
meek and the bold
Bringing good cheer

Oh how they pound
raising the sound
o'er hill and dale
telling their tale

Gaily the ring
while people sing
songs of the cheer
Christmas is here

Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas
Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas

On on they send
on without end
their joyful tone to every home
ha, ha, ha

Ding, dong, ding, dong.

Robert Prizeman, Fiona Pears, Steven Geraghty, Ian Tilley, Ben Crawley, Tom Cully, Sam Coates, Anna Stokes, Charlotte Ashley, Elizabeth May und Mason Neely & Libera Choir - Carol of the Bells Songtext

zu Carol of the Bells von Libera, Robert Prizeman, Fiona Pears, Steven Geraghty, Ian Tilley, Ben Crawley, Tom Cully, Sam Coates, Anna Stokes, Charlotte Ashley, Elizabeth May & Mason Neely - Carol of the Bells Lyrics Robert Prizeman, Fiona Pears, Steven Geraghty, Ian Tilley, Ben Crawley, Tom Cully, Sam Coates, Anna Stokes, Charlotte Ashley, Elizabeth May, Mason Neely & Libera - Carol of the Bells Text Carol of the Bells Libera, Robert Prizeman, Fiona Pears, Steven Geraghty, Ian Tilley, Ben Crawley, Tom Cully, Sam Coates, Anna Stokes, Charlotte Ashley, Elizabeth May & Mason Neely Carol of the Bells Liedtext
Libera, Robert Prizeman, Fiona Pears, Steven Geraghty, Ian Tilley, Ben Crawley, Tom Cully, Sam Coates, Anna Stokes, Charlotte Ashley, Elizabeth May & Mason Neely Carol of the Bells Letra de Carol of the Bells com Libera, Robert Prizeman, Fiona Pears, Steven Geraghty, Ian Tilley, Ben Crawley, Tom Cully, Sam Coates, Anna Stokes, Charlotte Ashley, Elizabeth May & Mason Neely Libera, Robert Prizeman, Fiona Pears, Steven Geraghty, Ian Tilley, Ben Crawley, Tom Cully, Sam Coates, Anna Stokes, Charlotte Ashley, Elizabeth May & Mason Neely - Carol of the Bells Songtekst Libera - Carol of the Bells Tekst
Album: Angels Sing - Christmas in Ireland (2013)

Carol of the Bells Deutsche Übersetzung zu Carol of the Bells von Libera, Robert Prizeman, Fiona Pears, Steven Geraghty, Ian Tilley, Ben Crawley, Tom Cully, Sam Coates, Anna Stokes, Charlotte Ashley, Elizabeth May & Mason Neely »

Musik-Video-Miniaturansicht zu Carol of the Bells Songtext von Libera, Robert Prizeman, Fiona Pears, Steven Geraghty, Ian Tilley, Ben Crawley, Tom Cully, Sam Coates, Anna Stokes, Charlotte Ashley, Elizabeth May & Mason Neely

Video zum Carol of the Bells

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Carol of the Bells Lyrics von Libera, Robert Prizeman, Fiona Pears, Steven Geraghty, Ian Tilley, Ben Crawley, Tom Cully, Sam Coates, Anna Stokes, Charlotte Ashley, Elizabeth May & Mason Neely

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weitere Liedtexte und deutsche Übersetzungen der Lieder von Libera, Robert Prizeman, Fiona Pears, Steven Geraghty, Ian Tilley, Ben Crawley, Tom Cully, Sam Coates, Anna Stokes, Charlotte Ashley, Elizabeth May,Mason Neely sehen.

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zu Carol of the Bells Songtext von Libera, Robert Prizeman, Fiona Pears, Steven Geraghty, Ian Tilley, Ben Crawley, Tom Cully, Sam Coates, Anna Stokes, Charlotte Ashley, Elizabeth May & Mason Neely mit Carol of the Bells Lyrics, deutscher Übersetzung, Libera, Robert Prizeman, Fiona Pears, Steven Geraghty, Ian Tilley, Ben Crawley, Tom Cully, Sam Coates, Anna Stokes, Charlotte Ashley, Elizabeth May & Mason Neely Musik-Videos und Liedtexten