Lian Ross & Fancy - I Found A Rainbow Text

Songtext zu I Found A Rainbow

I've been searching all my life
I found a rainbow
With its colours full of pride
And I'm so grateful
That I found you in my life
You are my rainbow
All your colors make me smile
Yes I'm so grateful

Through the echoes of the past,
I heard your voice
A melody that touched my soul
A serenade of choice

You taught my heart
To run away from the shadows
I found a light
Through tears and darkest nights

I've been searching all my life
I found a rainbow
With its colours full of pride
And I'm so grateful
That I found you in my life
You are my rainbow
All your colors make me smile
Yes I'm so grateful

Through the storm you took my hand
You saved my life
We made it through the highs and lows
You would be my guide
You cured my soul
To make it out of the shadows

You are my light
Through tears and darkest nights

I've been searching all my life
I found a rainbow
With its colours full of pride
And I'm so grateful
That I found you in my life
You are my rainbow
All your colors make me smile
Yes I'm so grateful

Fancy & Lian Ross - I Found A Rainbow Songtext

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