Songtext zu C'est la vie
I got used to being sad
they don’t know the difference
hiding, it’s bad
but damn I know it always works
Over time you taught me that
my pain is weakness
I’ll wear your mask
to hide the bruises and the burns
It’s all that I have known
so how can I let go
when my soul’s bitter
Tako je mrak
it’s just so dark
Mama she don’t know me
Oh mama says c’est la vie
Ostaću jaka
but you make it hard
Mama she don’t know me
Oh mama says c’est la vie
The knives you carved me with
they’re getting blunter
now they don’t scratch
they don’t shape me as much
If there’s anything I’ve learnt
you’ve got your own problems
you deal with them
by pushing me into your dirt
It’s all that I have known
so how can I let go
when my soul’s bitter
Tako je mrak
it’s just so dark
Mama she don’t know me
Oh mama says c’est la vie
Ostaću jaka
but you make it hard
Mama she don’t know me
Oh mama says c’est la vie
Mama Mama Mama
Mama Mama Mama
Mama she don’t know me
Oh mama says c’est la vie
Mama Mama Mama
Mama Mama Mama
Mama she don’t know me
Oh mama says c’est la vie
LEX (Canada) - C'est la vie Songtext
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