Leroy Daniels & DJ Tom - Born to Be Alive TEXT

Born to Be Alive
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Songtext zu Born to Be Alive

We were born to be—
We were born to be—
Born, born to be alive
(Born to be alive)
Yes, we were
Born, born, born
(Born to be alive)

[Verse 1]
People asked me why I never
Find a place to stop and settle

Down, down, down
But I never wanted all those things
People need to justify their
Lives, lives, lives

Yes, we were born
Born, born to be alive
(Born to be alive)
Yes, we were
Born, born, born
(Born to be alive)
It's good to be alive
To be alive
To be alive
It's good to be alive
To be alive
To be alive
It's good to be alive

[Verse 2]
Time was on my side when I was
Running down the street, it was no
Bind, bind, bind
A suitcase and an old guitar and
Something new to occupy my
Mind, mind, mind

Yes, we were born
Born, born to be alive
(Born to be alive)
Yes, we were
Born, born, born
(Born to be alive)
Yes, we were born
Born, born to be alive
(Born to be alive)
Yes, we were
Born, born, born
(Born to be alive)
Yes, we were born
Born, born to be alive
(Born to be alive)
Yes, we were
Born, born, born
(Born to be alive)
Born, born to be alive
(Born to be alive)
Yes, we were
Born, born, born
(Born to be alive)
Born, born to be alive

Leroy Daniels und DJ Tom - Born to Be Alive Songtext

zu Born to Be Alive von Leroy Daniels feat. DJ Tom - Born to Be Alive Lyrics DJ Tom & Leroy Daniels - Born to Be Alive Text Born to Be Alive Leroy Daniels & DJ Tom Born to Be Alive Liedtext
Leroy Daniels & DJ Tom Born to Be Alive Letra de Born to Be Alive com Leroy Daniels & DJ Tom Leroy Daniels & DJ Tom - Born to Be Alive Songtekst Leroy Daniels x DJ Tom - Born to Be Alive Tekst Leroy Daniels & DJ Tom - Born to Be Alive (Patrick Hernandez COVER)
Album: Born to Be Alive (2024)

Patrick Hernandez - Born to Be Alive [Text]

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