Leif Vollebekk - Southern Star Text

Songtext zu Southern Star

Big dreams, they move slowly
Like a fog across the plains
A dream where I'm riding horses
And you're on my mind again

Maybe I was born to wander
You took me a while to find
You know I still get shivers
When your voice rubs up on mine
Do you know who you are?

Are you my friend or lover?
Perhaps it can't be defined
I know I can't take you with me

You're a map with no folding lines

And I climb that Northwest Passage
I look the master in the eye
When I'm confused, confounded
I search for you in thе sky
Do you know who you are?

Faith in the morning after
Wait for thе time to come
Say, when love don't come easy
Just know who you are
Baby, you're my southern star

Come out of the shapeless stardust
The rafters, they shake for you
They're clamouring for a song now
The lights are blonde and blue

Hey, it's just a chain reaction
Relinquish your perceived control
Float down that mighty river
Sweet mother with the angel soul
Do you know who you are?

Faith in the morning after
Wait for the time to come
Say, when love don't come easy
Just know who you are
Baby, you're my southern star

Leif Vollebekk - Southern Star Songtext

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Album: Revelation (2024)

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