Latasha Lee - I'm Sorry Dear Text

Songtext zu I'm Sorry Dear

He wants me to stay around
But no, no, no, no
Yeah I′m leaving this town
I've been holding my breath
For too many years
Dealing with this stress
And wiping my tears

Now I gotta new shine
Best believe I′m gon' never
Push the rewind

So baby I'm outta here
Oh yes I′m gone

It′s been too much going wrong
Nothing right

I'm sorry dear
Oh yes I′m gone
It's time that I find me
A better life to live

Get up (get up)
Move around (move around)
Don′t stop (ah yeah)
Get on out

Get up (get up)
Move around (move around)
Don't stop (ah yeah)
Get on out

Told him before
That I needed a change

But he never expected that today was the day

Sick and tired of folks in my business
And he running around here
Messing with these women
What is the deal he can't be jiving me
But he gonna feel it
When I pack my things

So baby I'm outta here
Oh yes I′m gone
It′s been too much going wrong
Nothing right

I'm sorry dear
Oh yes I′m gone
It's time that I find me
A better life to live

Get up (get up)
Move around (move around)
Don′t stop (ah yeah)
Get on out
Get up (get up)
Move around (move around)
Don't stop (ah yeah)
Get on out

I′m saying goodbye
Guess I gotta go now
Yes I gotta go now

So baby I'm outta here (I'm saying goodbye)
It′s been too much going wrong
Nothing right
I′m sorry dear
It's time that I find me
A better life to live

Latasha Lee - I'm Sorry Dear Songtext

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Album: I Don't Know (2024)

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