Låpsley - Church Text

Songtext zu Church

Always tried speak up for myself
Loudest in the classroom
But youth felt like an essay paper, an echo chamber
Other people choose

Over time an avalanche
Snowed on every olive branch I grew
Learned to play their selfish ways
Hoped to find new solace in their rules

Anger grew like lichen
Trust me girl I've tried to fight and break it
Tried to take their building down
But structurally there ain't no way to change it

I'm a church no steeple
I'm a compass with no point
Too much for you to handle
I'm too loud with my voice
They said when you're older the power will shift
But I'm 20 something in my prime years
I still don't see it

I'm 20 something in my prime years
I still don't see it

I've learned pride is just a thing that holds you back
It's just easier to shrink
Fit the box before you have to pack
Don't forget what they think

No-one's gonna salt the roads
I'm skating in-between the cars to safety
Tried to do what Joni said

My future daughters' in my head I'm breaking

I'm a church with no steeple
I'm a compass with no point
Too much for you to handle
I'm too loud with my voice
They said when you're older the power will shift
But I'm 20 something in my prime years
I still don't see it
I'm 20 something in my prime years
I still don't feel it

Låpsley - Church Songtext

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