Lahos & Graham Candy - Sunshine Text

Songtext zu Sunshine

(Waiting for the sunshine)

I′m just waiting all night, all night
For something that would feel right, feel right
It's been clouding my mind, alright
Can′t get you off my mind
I'm waiting for your sweet love, your sweet love
To sugar up my broke heart, my broke heart
Waiting for it to start, to start
Been waiting for the start

Waiting for the sunshine
Tell me what it feels like
Waiting for the sunshine

Waiting on the other side

Waiting for the sunshine
Tell me what it feels like
Waiting for the sunshine
Waiting on the other side
Waiting for the sunshine

The night are getting darker, darker
I want to be over, over
And we have been colder, colder
I just wanna leave

I′m waiting for sun
′Cause that is what you want
Been waiting for the sun

Waiting for the sunshine
Tell me what it feels like

Waiting for the sunshine
Waiting on the other side

Waiting for the sunshine
Tell me what it feels like
Waiting for the sunshine
Waiting on the other side
Waiting for the sunshine

(Waiting for the sunshine)
(Waiting for the, waiting for the sunshine)
(Waiting for the sunshine)
(Waiting for the sunshine)

Lahos & Graham Candy - Sunshine Songtext

zu Sunshine von Lahos feat. Graham Candy - Sunshine Lyrics Graham Candy & Lahos - Sunshine Text Sunshine Lahos & Graham Candy Sunshine Liedtext
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