Lady Gaga - Gonna Build A Mountain Text

Songtext zu Gonna Build A Mountain

One, two, three, and two, two

Gonna build a mountain
From a little hill
Gonna build me a mountain
'Least I hope I will
Gonna build a mountain
Gonna build it high
I don't know how I'm gonna do it
I only know I'm gonna try

Gonna build me a daydream from a little hope
Gonna push that daydream up the mountain slope

Gonna build a daydream, gonna see it through
Gonna build a mountain and a daydream
Gonna make them both come true

Gonna build me a heaven from a little hell
Gonna build me a heaven and I know darn well
That if I build my mountain, yeah, with a lot of care
And take my daydream up the mountain
And heaven will be waiting there

When I build that heaven as I will someday
And the Lord sends Gabriel to take me away
Ah, what a fine young son to take my place
I'll leave a son in a heaven on earth
With the good Lord's grace

Lady Gaga - Gonna Build A Mountain Songtext

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