Songtext zu Oxygen
Zobacz tłumaczenie tekstu piosenkiOxygen po polsku 🇵🇱 »
Cut off the bullshit we're falling apart
Stop wasting my time
When I look for confrontation
You hesitate, run away
Isolation like prison
Inner self to escape
Ready to dive
Your oxygen is not enough to save me
Trapped in toxic waters I forgot to breathe
I cave in as i'm leaving everything behind
I've been craving something I can't have
And you're wasting my time
Let's get in this battle now
Then you seek for compensation
But you've got nothing in trade
Annihilation of dreams and
Only yourself to blame
Let's break
Cut off your bullshit it's all said and done
You're too late
I'm pulling the plug
We're fading from the inside
It's an inner struggle
Ready to die
My breath is getting lighter
I float on crimson waters
In this everyday battle
Lacuna Coil - Oxygen Songtext
zu Oxygen von Lacuna Coil - Oxygen Lyrics Lacuna Coil - Oxygen Text Oxygen Lacuna Coil Oxygen LiedtextLacuna Coil Oxygen Letra de Oxygen com Lacuna Coil Lacuna Coil - Oxygen Songtekst Lacuna Coil - Oxygen Tekst
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