La Bouche & Just_us - Sweet Dreams Text

Songtext zu Sweet Dreams

[Intro: Melanie Thornton]
Sweet dreams of rhythm and dancin'
Sweet dreams of passion through the night
Sweet dreams are takin' over
Sweet dreams of dancin' through the night

[Verse 1: Melanie Thornton]
I wanna get into motion, a better devotion
So I can make it through the night
So the music is playin', you know what I'm sayin'
Now everything will be alright

[Chorus: Melanie Thornton]
Sweet dreams of rhythm and dancin'

Sweet dreams of passion through the night
Sweet dreams are takin' over
Sweet dreams of dancin' through the night (Oh-oh, oh)

[Post-Chorus: Melanie Thornton]
Ola ola eh, ola ola eh
Ola ola eh, ola ola eh

[Verse 2: Melanie Thornton]
Rhythm is a creation, a better sensation
That will lead you through the night
When your body is movin', the music is groovin'
I wanna take you home tonight

[Chorus: Melanie Thornton]
Sweet dreams of rhythm and dancin'
Sweet dreams of passion through the night
Sweet dreams are takin' over
Sweet dreams of dancin' through the night (Oh-oh, oh)

[Post-Chorus: Melanie Thornton]
Ola ola eh, ola ola eh
Ola ola eh, ola ola eh

[Verse 3: Robert Haynes]
Keep dancin' hard
Give this groove more feeling
Dance, trance, dance, more dealing
In, out, up, down, all around
On the dance floor gettin' down
Take time just to show them who
We can make your body move
Totally, yes, the party's started
Sweet dreams keep comin' harder

[Chorus: Melanie Thornton]
Sweet dreams of rhythm and dancin'
Sweet dreams of passion through the night
Sweet dreams are takin' over
Sweet dreams of dancin' through the night
Sweet dreams of rhythm and dancin'
Sweet dreams of passion through the night
Sweet dreams are takin' over
Sweet dreams of dancin' through the night (Oh-oh, oh)

[Outro: Melanie Thornton]
Ola ola eh, ola ola eh
Ola ola eh, ola ola eh...

La Bouche und Just_us - Sweet Dreams Songtext

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Album: Greatest Hits (2007)

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