La Bouche - Fallin' in Love TEXT

Fallin' in Love
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Songtext zu Fallin' in Love

Baby, Baby, falling in love
I'm falling in love again
Baby, Baby, falling in love
I'm falling in love again
Everyday I love you more and more and more
Baby, Baby, falling in love
I'm falling in love again

I could never see, what fate had planned for me
Then you came and made a dream my reality
Oh, maybe you can't see all the things you've lead to me
Well, my simple fate is at the gate
And boy, you've got the key

Baby, Baby, falling in love
I'm falling in love again
Everyday I love you more and more and more
Baby, Baby, falling in love
I'm falling in love again

It seems like yesterday, you and I first loved this way
But now I know how love can grow with each and every day
As we lay in the midnight hour, feel love's hidden power
So strong and bold as life unfolds the mystery to me

Baby, Baby, falling in love
I'm falling in love again
Everyday I love you more and more and more
Baby, Baby, falling in love
I'm falling in love again

I never dreamed that my summertime flame
Could show me how much pleasure the winter can bring
Hooked up by the fireplace, time I don't waste

As I love you slow, then increase the pace
Your natural body perfume brightens up any room
One whiff and my spirits taken up-lift
It feels good, when your woman is your best friend
But it's better when you fall in love again

Baby, Baby, falling in love
I'm falling in love again
Everyday I love you more and more and more

Falling in love
Baby, Baby, falling in love
I'm falling in love again
Love, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love

Baby, Baby, falling in love
Oh yeah, I'm falling in love again
Everyday I love you more and more and more
Baby, Baby, falling in love
I'm falling in love again
Everyday I love you more and more
Baby, Baby, falling in love

La Bouche - Fallin' in Love Songtext

zu Fallin' in Love von La Bouche - Fallin' in Love Lyrics La Bouche - Fallin' in Love Text Fallin' in Love La Bouche Fallin' in Love Liedtext
La Bouche Fallin' in Love Letra de Fallin' in Love com La Bouche La Bouche - Fallin' in Love Tekst
Album: Sweet Dreams (1995)

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