Kyle Hume - Trust Fund Baby Text

Songtext zu Trust Fund Baby

I wanna be a trust fund baby
I never wanna work a day in my life
Take my daddy's private plane to an island chain
For the weekend just to clear my mind

[Verse 1]
I wanna be Forbes
30 under 30 on the day that I was born
Be the kind of healthy only wealthy can afford
Got me a Ferrari, I was tired of the Porsche
And I can ride a horse
Name a kid "North"
Speak a couple languages but I don't speak poor

Pay my politician off to open any door
Sign a little record deal when I get kinda bored
Then cancel every tour

[Pre-Chorus 1]
'Cause lifе gets kinda hard sometimes
And thеse rich kids seem to do just fine
Well, they must be doing something right
Is it so wrong?

I wanna be a trust fund baby
I never wanna work a day in my life
Take my daddy's private plane to an island chain
For the weekend just to clear my mind
I wanna be a trust fund baby
Only got the kinda problems money can buy
Chilling with the one percent and my famous friends
Never do a thing that I don't like
I wanna be a trust fund baby, ooh

I wanna be a trust fund baby, ooh

[Verse 2]
Change my last name
'Cause I don't want the nepotism screwing up the fame
I know every player 'cause I'm front row every game
Granny's getting up there, all I gotta do is wait
Uh, what did I just say?

[Pre-Chorus 2]
Oh I just want to understand
What life's like with the upper hand
Screw tryna be a self-made man
Is it so wrong?

I wanna be a trust fund baby
I never wanna work a day in my life
Take my daddy's private plane to an island chain
For the weekend just to clear my mind
I wanna be a trust fund baby
Only got the kinda problems money can buy
Chilling with the one percent and my famous friends
Never do a thing that I don't like
I wanna be a trust fund baby, ooh
I wanna be a trust fund baby, ooh

Country clubs and polo collars
Dad loaned me a million dollars
Turning out just like my father
Keep the change, I can't be bothered

I hang out with Liam Neeson
I change houses with the seasons
Bought a Van Gogh for no reason
I'm never around to see it

Country clubs and polo collars
Dad loaned me a million dollars
Turning out just like my father
Keep the change, I can't be bothered

I hang out with Liam Neeson
I change houses with the seasons
Bought a Van Gogh for no reason
I'm never around to see it

Kyle Hume - Trust Fund Baby Songtext

zu Trust Fund Baby von Kyle Hume - Trust Fund Baby Lyrics Kyle Hume - Trust Fund Baby Text Trust Fund Baby Kyle Hume Trust Fund Baby Liedtext
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