Kygo, Julia Michaels & Chance Peña - Louder Text

Songtext zu Louder

I've said too much, poured out my love, but we don't really talk about it
The elephant inside this room, oh baby, we just dance around it

It should be so simple, simple
You give it just a little, little
Can't read your mind, can't borrow time, but I don't wanna live without it
If you love me baby, tell me now

Say it to me louder
Why can't you lay it on me, your power
All of the voices in your head, they don't mean nothing
Tell me you feel it, make me believe it
Can't you, say it to me louder

I've guided you to my love, babe
Now, I want it reciprocated
Open your mouth, let it fall out
I know you want a demonstration
Take a piece, it's simple, simple
Pour more than just a little, little
Try speak your mind, I've spoken mine
Come show me that I'm right about you
If you love me baby, tell me now

Say it to me louder
Why can't you lay it on me, your power
All of the voices in your head, they don't mean nothing
Tell me you feel it, make me believe it
Can't you, say it to me louder

Tell me, I love you baby
Tell me, I love you baby

Say it to me louder
Why can't you lay it on me, your power
All of the voices in your head, they don't mean nothing
Tell me you feel it, make me believe it
Can't you say it to me louder
Say it to me louder
Why can't you, say it to me louder

Chance Peña & Kygo, Julia Michaels - Louder Songtext

zu Louder von Kygo, Julia Michaels & Chance Peña - Louder Lyrics Kygo, Julia Michaels & Chance Peña - Louder Text Kygo, Julia Michaels & Chance Peña - Louder Tekst piosenki Louder Kygo, Julia Michaels & Chance Peña Louder Liedtext
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