KSI - Holiday Text

Songtext zu Holiday

[Verse 1]
I wanna wake up every mornin', feelin' better
'Cause I know you're sleeping by my side
And every moment we’re together
I remember just to keep it all for you and I

I see that body in the sunlight
Feelin' the heat and it feels right
I wanna do this for the rest of my life

Oh, I know, I know, you know the vibe

I wanna stay with you every night
You and me underneath the lights
I'm always good when you're by my side
I know, you know you're on my mind
You really make me come alive
I wanna be hеre for the rest of my lifе

Looking for sun rays, needin' them good days
Fly me away-away, you're my holiday
Cool like the ocean, lost in emotion
Fly me away-away, you're my holiday
Whenever you're here it's a good time
Strawberry shirts in the sunshine
Ice cold drinks 'til the moon light, you're my holiday
Whenever you're here it's a good time
Strawberry shirts in the sunshine
Ice cold drinks 'til the moon light, you're my holiday

[Verse 2]

I wanna stay up 'til the mornin' with you talkin'
Just to listen to the things you say
And every time we're in the middle of the city
I imagine us so far away

I see that body in the sunlight (Sunlight)
Feelin' the heat and it feels right (Feels right)
I wanna do this for the rest of my life

Oh, I know you know you're on my mind
You really make me come alive
I wanna be here for the rest of my life

Looking for sun rays, needin' them good days
Fly me away-away, you're my holiday
Cool like the ocean, lost in emotion
Fly me away-away, you're my holiday
Whenever you're here it's a good time
Strawberry shirts in the sunshine
Ice cold drinks 'til the moon light, you're my holiday
Whenever you're here it's a good time
Strawberry shirts in the sunshine
Ice cold drinks 'til the moon light, you're my holiday

Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
You're my holiday
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
You're my holiday

KSI - Holiday Songtext

zu Holiday von KSI - Holiday Lyrics KSI - Holiday Text Holiday KSI Holiday Liedtext
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