Konrad OldMoney - Gr4ves Text

Songtext zu Gr4ves


You don't believe in no fate
Every day digging a grave
Step in the pit with the snakes
City of dreams, city of gang
You don't believe in no fate
I might just dig up your grave
Step in the pit with the king
City of dreams, city of gang
Gang, gang, gang, gang
City of dreams, live in your Grave
You live in your grave

City of dreams, city of gang
Gang, gang, gang, gang
City of dreams, live in your Grave
You live in your grave
City of dreams, city of...

Skully in the gully's
Bully in the boroughs
Finna take your money
That ice too, ‘cos we thorough
We too thermo
Pack that heat
We too ghetto
Run the streets
Read that memo
Live that creed
All I need is
Greed in green
Read it and weep
Counting them sheep

Using the silence, put you to sleep
Bagging the beef
Tagging the roof
Pop the meduse
Rocking the loot
Back on the route

Back in the, back in the, back in the booth
Knockout your tooth
Do it for truce
Do it for threes
Do it for me, I do it for gang

You don't believe in no fate
Every day digging a grave
Step in the pit with the snakes
City of dreams, city of gang
You don't believe in no fate
I might just dig up your grave
Step in the pit with the king
City of dreams, city of gang
Gang, gang, gang, gang
City of dreams Live in your grave
You live in your grave
City of dreams, city of gang
Gang, gang, gang, gang
City of dreams Live in your grav
You live in your grave
City of dreams, city of ...

They say I'm insidious
Bitch you hideous
Fuck this city up good
One scrape from the grittiest Still delirious
Fuck this city, my hood
My slum, my turf, my block, my woods
My wrists, my back, my gats They strapped
All black, all trap Tatted my cell for the rats
Never forgetting the past
Live for the blast
Popping them off as I go
See you in hell, choppa it blow
I don't do it for the money
I just do it for your heads
One by one, they keep it running
Slip up or trip and you're dead

You don't believe in no fate
Every day digging a grave
Step in the pit with the snakes
City of dreams, city of gang
You don't believe in no fate
I might just dig up your grave
Step in the pit with the king
City of dreams, city of gang
Gang, gang, gang, gang
City of dreams Live in your grave
You live in your grave
City of dreams, city of gang
Gang, gang, gang, gang
City of dreams Live in your grave
You live in your grave
City of dreams, city of GANG

Konrad OldMoney - Gr4ves Songtext

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