Knox - Invisible Text

Songtext zu Invisible

[Verse 1]
Call it divine intervention
The way you're readin' my mind
Feel like I've known you forever
Even though I just met you tonight
People in every direction
Nothin' but small talk in here
Tryin' to steal our attention
But I wish we could disappear

Yeah, I wish we could disappear


So can we pretend that we're invisible?
Kiss me like nobody's watchin' us
Two ghosts alone in the middle of a crowded room, my love
Can we pretend that we're invisible?
For all I care, we're the only ones
Holdin' each other in the middle of a crowded room, my love
Just the two of us

[Verse 2]
So here's a toast to the moment
To bein' young and alive
Don't need to know where we're goin'
It'll all make sense when we arrive
Dance with me under the neon
Until the sun starts to rise
It doesn't matter where we are
As long as I got you here by my side


Now won't you disappear with me tonight?

So can we pretend that we're invisible?
Kiss me like nobody's watchin' us
Two ghosts alone in the middle of a crowded room, my love
Can we pretend that we're invisible?
For all I care, we're the only ones
Holdin' each other in the middle of a crowded room, my love
Just the two of us

Oh, oh
(Can we pretend that we're invisible?)
Oh, oh

Can we pretend that we're invisible?
Kiss me like nobody's watchin' us
Two ghosts alone in the middle of a crowded room, my love
Can we pretend that we're invisible?
For all I care, we're the only ones
Holdin' each other in the middle of a crowded room, my love
Just the two of us

Knox - Invisible Songtext

zu Invisible von Knox - Invisible Lyrics Knox - Invisible Text Invisible Knox Invisible Liedtext
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