Kings Of Leon - Actual Daydream Text

Songtext zu Actual Daydream

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Based on illusion
Everything is shaved ice
Fashion week's a blur
And everybody slurs
And feels out of style
Home is nice and warm, relationships are forming, things are getting physical
I can feel the evening, reaping what we're sowing

Sounds like I could use a beating
Heart warming up to the feeling
Actual daydream awake me

While giving fate a chance
I split my favourite pants
And backed out of the chatroom
It never hurts to try
Is such a stupid lie
I won't be coming back
The story you were peddling, wasn't worth a list, I prolonged my blinking
The colours you were seeing really had me thinking

Sounds like I could use a beating
Heart warming up to the feeling
Long nights and days without ending
Don't say I could see it coming
Something to keep my mind running
Actual daydream awake me

Gonna tear you up
Hot rush of quitting time
You got me sitting up
Snapshots unrealized

Tear me up

Home is nice and warm
Relationships are forming

Sounds like I could use a beating
Heart warming up to the feeling
Long nights and days without ending
Don't say I could see it coming
Something to keep my mind running
Actual daydream awake me

Sounds like I could use a beating
Heart warming up to the feeling
Actual daydream awake me

Kings Of Leon - Actual Daydream Songtext

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