Kidd Blessed - Big Dreams Text

Songtext zu Big Dreams

Rapper's worst nightmare
(Ride again)
I’m too blessed to be stressed nigga
Hashtag RG fuck the rest nigga
Screaming no peace until i rest nigga
And how i’m about to kill this shit
They going to place me under arrest nigga
Everybody hawling where’s the unit at
We ain't drop two EP back to back
Put the pump on a nigga like an asthma attack
Hold jump on a nigga like i pulled out axe
Got a lays in the air like a jumping jack

Come back to back and i ain't coming back
Got 28 grams in the jumping bag
Disrespect my cleek get jumped for that
Fuck them one on one
Grind on my waist like a common bun
Got my lean in the A shout out to bronx
Cell waiting never turn to fun
Am running these shuit like florist run out the slump
Mase ass street i’m from nigga
Never had band class but i bought a drum
Hit a nigga blac like pa pam pom
I ain't taking shit back once its done its done
Get all of it back if got caught up doing the butt
Got some bad ass bitch with some dunk in the trunk
I’ve never seen a car with a trunk in the front
I don't front cause my dick like an elephant trunk
Slam my balls in her mouth that's a hell of a dunk
I’m a get that new and i’ll be damn if i don't
Till 50 back call get whatever i want
I’ll be rocking my jewellery wherever i want

I can go through a few G’s when ever i want
I’ll be getting that blue cheese no croutons
Niggers too cheap like store coupons
I use to sleep on futons now i’m up in the phantom
Parked In the grey pool pon nigga ahhh
I ain't heard me a good one in a long time in a while
Did this for the hood but i’m good now in a while
I’m too blessed to be stressed [x4]
From nothing nigga
Rapper's worst nightmare you bitch you
Ha key

Kidd Blessed - Big Dreams Songtext

zu Big Dreams von Kidd Blessed - Big Dreams Lyrics Kidd Blessed - Big Dreams Text Big Dreams Kidd Blessed Big Dreams Liedtext
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Album: #RWN (2015)

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